A jump start refers to a procedure of starting a vehicle that has a discharged or depleted battery. A temporary connection is made to the jump starter, which provides the necessary power to crank the engine.
Once the vehicle has been started, its normal charging system will recharge, thus, the jump starter can be removed. If the vehicle charging system is functional, the normal operation of the vehicle will restore the charge of the battery.
The jump starter is a convenient device that acts like the battery of another vehicle and comes with its clamps attached to the battery in your car. There are several pros to using the jump starter: it eliminates the need for another running vehicle and messy jumper cables.
How it works:
Match the colored clamps of the jump starter to the battery terminals; red for positive and black for negative. Once they are connected and the screen displays the “READY” icon, then you can press the engine to start your car. The jump starter transfers its cranking amperage to the battery, after which you can start your vehicle successfully.
Note: Dirty or corroded battery terminals may prevent a good connection for the alligator clamps and hamper the jump starter from transferring its optimum peak amps. Therefore, taking care of your battery and battery terminals is as essential as caring for your jump starter pack.
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